SAFETYSUM – Oil and Gas Driller’s Best JSA

oil and gas drilling roughneck

Successful oil and gas drilling leads to successful pumping…But not if you have unsafe practices like this

A Customizable Set of Software Programs for Oil and Gas Drillers

 that focuses on your JSA as a Meaningful Tool for Safety.

Inspired by Hazard Master, a Program Mike designed for ENSIGN United States Drilling Inc.


  • You Have the Tools to Reduce Your Accident Rate.
  • Your Crew Will Be Safer and More Efficient.
  • Your Documented and Proven Safety Record Will Enhance Your Reputation and Make You a Leader in the Industry.
  • You Will Save Money.
  • Your Crew Will Know ALL the Safety Issues Before They Start Work.
  • You Won’t Have to Contend with the Results of Shockingly Expensive Accidents.

SAFETYSUM Is THE Unique Tool with a Patented Approach that is Recognized by Top Auditors.

Read more about SAFETYSUM here.

Microsoft Suite Solutions: Access and Office Integration

Microsoft Certifed Agent and Access Specialist Mike Loob will design Microsoft Suite Solutions for you




Microsoft Suite Solutions: Access and Office Integration

  • Convert Access databases that were created in-house into a stable application that is easy for office personnel to use
  • Enable Access programs to email information to people in an automated fashion
  • Enable Access programs to upload and download data across the internet (FTP)
  • Enable Access programs to ‘read’ data out of PDF forms

Contact us to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.

Data Manipulation – Make Data Easy to Read

making sense out of the maze of information in your databaseDATA MANIPULATION CLEANS UP – SUMMARIZES – MAKES YOUR DATA EASY TO READ

  • Convert your present data formats (csv, txt, XML, XLS, PDF, MDB, ACCDB, and others) into the format  you need
  • Reformat and clean the bad data out of your database.
  • Summarize your data in a unique way
  • Build an application around your data so you can search it with filters and sort it so it finally makes sense.

Contact us to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.


Interactive PDF Form Creator and Automation

Interactive or fill in the blank PDF Form creationData Intensive Software is The PDF Format Resource!

PDF Form Creator

DIS will create an interactive (fill-in-the-blanks) PDF Form that gives your data a highly professional appearance and makes it easy to read.

PDF Form Automation (conversion)

DIS will export your data within PDF files to another format, for example an Excel Spreadsheet, so you can sort and search through the database easily.

Contact us to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.

Learn more:

Download a Sample: New Client Input PDF Form.

Shortcut to Finding a Word Character – Easy To Use (and Remember) Keyboard Trick

finding characters easily for your Word document by using these easy keyboard shortcutsHow much time do you waste trying to remember how to insert a character into your Word document? Whether you want to insert the copyright symbol © or you want to create a better fraction – ½ rather than the clunky  1/2, you can make your life a lot easier if you remember this cool shortcut to finding a Word character…

Imagine you’re typing along and you want to use some odd character that’s not on your keyboard, like the cent sign (¢). If you’re using Word there likely is some sort of shortcut you could use to get this character, but you can’t remember what it is. And for that matter, you just don’t use this character often enough to care about remembering, you just want to finish your document.

Just click on the Start button at the bottom left of your keyboard and then type “char” in the search box, and then press the Enter key.

How to easily find characters within Word

You will be given the Character Map screen.  Find the odd character you need, select it and then you can Copy it and paste it into your document.  This screen even gives you the keyboard shortcut that will not only work in Word, but in other editors as well (notice it in the bottom right corner of the screen below).  Try it. Hold down the Alt key and on your keypad type in 0162.  Tada! You get the cent sign.

Character Map within Word


Extra tip: You can select multiple characters and then copy and paste them all at once.

For example I selected these 3 characters ($¢£) and then pasted them here all in one move.

When you know the tricks and shortcuts of how to use the Microsoft Suite of Word, Excel, and Access you can dramatically increase your productivity and professionalism. Plus you save yourself a ton of frustration and time. Do you have a big database project ahead? Contact me and let’s talk about custom designing a software solution to make your life a lot easier.

Extraordinary Ways Your Business Can Use Microsoft Access for Greater Productivity and Profitability

Unlocking the Secrets for How Microsoft Access Works

unlock_Microsoft_access_secretsLast week I busted three myths about using Microsoft Access for business. It’s a cool program that has hundreds of applications that can help a company be more productive and to make more money.

What are some of these applications? Inventory programs are a natural for Access. I’ve built programs in Access that have been in use for years that handle Accident/Incident tracking, Training, Drug Testing, Vehicle Maintenance and Usage, and on and on.

Did you know Microsoft Access can also do this…

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Busting 3 Microsoft Access for Business Myths

No More Bashing Microsoft Access

busting three myths about using Microsoft Access for your businessI’ve read a number of articles saying that you shouldn’t build business applications in Microsoft Access. The suggestion is that you should use a more expensive environment – an environment no one in your company has experience with so you have to hire the Access basher to build something for you. It sounds like an infomercial to me, i.e. a costly mistake! Let’s examine some of their erroneous claims…

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PDF Files & Forms: How They Can Benefit Your Company

searching through tons of data for relevant statisticsIs there a difference between PDF Files and PDF Forms?

Absolutely! Let’s examine the differences and see why they matter…

When people talk about a PDF, they generally are referring to a PDF File, which in the simplest terms is capturing a document in a picture file. The file can include pictures, drawings, and text. They’re usually created from Word or by scanning a piece of paper. Once the file has been created, it‘s not easily changed or edited and what can be changed is very limited.

A PDF Form, on the other hand, is a special type of document. Like the PDF File, you can have text, and graphics that are difficult to edit. The special thing about the PDF Form is that it can also have input fields. This allows the user to enter things like their name and address. Check boxes and drop down boxes can also be used. This provides a very easy to read document. If the Form is created with the right options, the user can save the newly filled out Form, capturing the entered data. This allows the user to email the saved PDF Form to a client, employee or business partner. It becomes an interactive tool that streamlines collecting and reading data. It’s a wonderful tool for collaborative work.

How Can Your Company Benefit from Using PDF Forms?

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Safety Training Improves Employee Productivity and Your Company’s Bottom Line

Safety Training: Improving Employee Productivity and Your Company's Bottom LineWe all know that employee training can have a huge impact on safety. It’s not just about being compliant with OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Standards.  You care about your employees’ physical health and you care about your business’ productivity. When an employee is aware of the safety hazards of a given job, they can avoid problems and do their best work safely. This, in turn, increases your business reputation and profitability.

If there is an accident, and you don’t have a record of training, it can put your company in a grave situation that has both monetary and legal implications. Not having a documented training program should frighten you, because it puts you and your company at risk. If you don’t have one, yesterday is a good time to get one in place.

Is it time to reassess possible safety hazards at your company and implement an updated employee safety training program?

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